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🤙🏼 Howzit!!!

I’m Cameron Krischel, I solve problems. I work full-time as a Senior Applications Developer. Outside of work, I enjoy swinging my Kettlebells, playing my Guitar, and tinkering with my Homelab.


I run a 4 node Proxmox cluster with High Availability, ZFS replication, and automated backups to my TrueNAS Core NFS share. Here's a diagram of my infrastructure:
        Proxmox (containerization)
            # TrueNAS Core (network attached storage)
            # Docker (containerization)
                + Authelia (authentication)
                + Heimdall (dashboard)
                + Nginx Proxy Manager (reverse proxy / SSL certificates)
                + WikiJS (documentation)
                + LibreSpeedTest (internet speed test)
                + Docker Mail Server (mail)
                + WatchTower (automated docker updates)
            # Nextcloud (cloud storage)
            # Gitea (git version control)
            # Tailscale (vpn)
            # AstroJS (website)
            # Tdarr (transcoding)
            # Pterodactyl (gaming servers)
I wrote Ansible playbooks and Terraform plans to automate the configuration and deployment of my infrastructure.

Mobile Apps

The most popular app I've written is süpr, a fasting app. I publish updates to the App Store and Google Play Store.


If you'd like to connect with me, send me an email, and I'll do my best to get back to you.

Have a wonderful rest of your day, and as always, cheers!
© 2024 Cameron Krischel